211 800 5006
Δευ. - Παρ. 09:00 - 16:00

PAB Passenger Air Bag
PADS Passenger Airbag Disarm Switch
PAG PolyAlkylene Glycol
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PAIR Pulsed Secondary Air Injection
PAO PolyAlphaOlefin
PAS Power Assisted Steering
PASE Passive Start and Entry system
PASS Passenger
PATS Passive Anti-Theft System
PB Power Brakes
PBA PolyButene Amine
PC Pressure Control
PCB PolyChlorinated Biphenyl
PCFV Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles
PCM Power Control Module
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PCMO Passenger Car Motor Oil
PCS Pre-Crash Sensor
PCS Pressure Control Solenoid
PCTFE PolyChloroTriFluoroEthylene
PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PDA Premium Diesel Additive
PDC Park Distance Control
PDS Product Data Sheet
PDSC Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry
PE PentaErythritol
PEA PolyEther Amine
PFI Port Fuel Injection
PFPE PerFluoroalkylPolyEther
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PIB PolyIsoButylene
PIBSA PolyIsoButyl Succinic Anhydride
PKE Passive Keyless Entry
PM Pensky-Martin
PMA PolyMethAcrylate
P/N Part Number
PNA PolyNuclear Aromatic
PO Propylene Oxide
POE Polyolester
PPD Pour Point Depressant
ppm parts per million
PPO PolyPhthalamide
PPS Passenger Presence Sensor
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PS Power Steering
PSA Peugeot – Citroen SA Group
psi Pounds Per Square Inch
PSOM Programmable Speedometer/Odometer Module
PTB  Pounds per 1000 Barrels
PTF Power Transmission Fluid
PTFE PolyTetraFluoroEthylene
PUL Premium Unleaded Gasoline
PVL Permanent Viscosity Loss
PWR Power
PZEV Partial Zero Emitting Vehicle
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