Αρκτικόλεξο E |
Περιγραφή |
EAS | Electrically Assisted Steering |
EATC | Electronic Automatic Temperature Control |
EBC | Electronic Brake Control |
EBCM | Electronic Brake Control Module |
EBD | Electronic Brake Distribution |
EBM | Electronic Brake Module |
EBP | Exhaust Back Pressure |
EBTCM | Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module |
EC | Electronic Control |
EC-II | Energy Conserving-II (engine oil designation) |
ECC | Electronic Climate Control |
ECCC | Electronically Controlled Converter Clutch |
ECD | Electronically Controlled Deceleration |
ECL | Engine Coolant Level |
ECM | Electronic Control Module |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECS | Electronic Crash Sensor |
ECS | Emission Control System |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature (Switch, Sensor) |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
EDF | Electric Drive Fan (relay) |
EDIS | Electronic Direct Ignition System (replaced with EI) |
EELQMS | European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System |
EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EEV | Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and Engines |
EEVIR | Evaporator Equalized Values In Receiver |
EFI | Electronic Fuel Injection |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EGRC | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control |
EGRVR | EGR Valve Vacuum Control |
EHB | Electro-Hydraulic Brake |
EHCU | Electronic Hydraulic Control Unit |
EHD | Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication |
EHOC | Electrically Heated Oxidation Catalyst |
EHPA | Electro-Hydraulic Power Assist |
EHPAS | Electric Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering |
EHPS | Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering |
EHTWC | Electrically Heated Three Way Catalyst |
EI | Electronic Ignition (includes Distributorless Ignition System, formerly DIS) |
EKS | Electronic Knock Sensor |
ELGI | European Lubricating Grease Institute |
ELTC | Engine Lubricant Technical Committee (CEC) |
EMA | Engine Manufacturers Association |
EMB | Electro-Mechanical Brakes |
EMCC | Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EN | European Committee for Standardization |
EOBD | Enhanced On-Board Diagnostics |
EOFT | Engine Oil Filterability Test |
EO-L/M | Mack heavy-duty diesel engine oil specifications |
EOLCS | Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System (API) |
EOP | Engine Oil Pressure |
EOT | Engine Oil Temperature |
EP | Extreme Pressure |
EPC | Electronic Pressure Control |
EPEFE | European Programme on Emissions, Fuels & Engine Technologies |
EPHS | Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering |
EPR | Exhaust Pressure Regulator |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EPS | Electric Power Steering |
ESB | Energy Storage Box |
ESC | Electronic Spark Control |
ESC | Electronic Suspension Control |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ESI | Extended Service Interval |
ESM | Electronic Steering Module |
ESP | Electronic Stability Programme |
ESP | Electrostatic Precipitator |
ETBE | Ethyl-T-Butyl Ether |
ETC | Electronic Temperature Control |
ETC | European Transient Test Cycle |
ETC | Electronic Throttle Control |
ETC | Electronic Timing Control |
ETLP | Engine Tests of Lubricants Panel (IP) |
ETS | Engineering Test Services |
ETS | Enhanced Traction System |
EUI | Electronic Unit Injector |
EUROPIA | European Petroleum Industry Association |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
EVA | Ethyl Vinyl Acetate |
EVA | Electronic Vibration Analyzer |
EVAP | Evaporative Emission |
EVIC | Electronic Vehicle Information Center |
EXH | Exhaust |
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