Αρκτικόλεξο D |
Περιγραφή |
DAC | Downhill Assist Control |
DAB | Driver Airbag (module) |
DASMIN | Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Mineralöl GmbH (D) |
dB | Decibels |
DC | Direct Current |
DCT | Dual Clutch Transmission |
DDC | Detroit Diesel Corporation |
DDS | Deflection Detection System |
DEC | Digital Electronic Controller |
DEER | Diesel Engine Emission Reduction (Conference) |
DEOAP | Diesel Engine Oil Advisory Panel (API/EMA) |
DETA | Diethylene Triamine |
DEXRON | General Motors ATF specification |
DFI | Direct fuel Injected |
DGMK | Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (D) |
DGI | Direct Gasoline Injection |
DHYCA | Direction des Hydrocarbures et des Carburants (French Ministry of Industry) |
DI | Detergent Inhibitor |
DI | Direct Injection |
DIFF | Differential |
DII | Diesel Ignition Improver |
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung |
DIS | Direct (aka Distributor-less) Ignition System (replaced with EI) |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DME | Dimethyl Ether |
DMSD | Drive Motor Speed and Direction |
DNR | Dolby Noise Reduction |
DOC | Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
DOCP | Dispersant Olefin Copolymer |
DOHC | Double Overhead Cam (twin cam) |
DOT | Department of Transport |
DPF | Diesel Particulate Filter |
DPFE | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR |
DPMA | Dispersant Polymethacrylate |
DPNA | Diesel Particulate NOx Reduction (Toyota) |
DRL | Daytime Running Light |
DSCC | Distance Sensing Cruise Control |
DSDA | Dual Stage Driver Airbag |
DSG | Direct Shift Gearbox |
DSP | Dual Spark Engine |
DSS | Downshift Solenoid |
DTBP | Di-Tert-Butyl Phenol |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
DYNO | Dynamometer |
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