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ΑρχικήΑρκτικόλεξο C

Αρκτικόλεξο C


C-4 Allison ATF specification
CAM Camshaft
CAN Controlled Area Network
CARB Carburator
CASE Cranking Angle Sensing Error
CC Cubic Centimetre
CC Climate Control
CC Cruise Control
CCC Computer Command Control
CCD Combustion Chamber Deposits
CCLF Camera Controlled Lighting Functions
CCM Central Control Module
CCM Chassis Control Module
CCMC Comité des Constructeurs d’Automobiles du Marché Commun (predecessor of ACEA)
CD Coefficient of Drag
CD-2/CF-2 API 2-stroke diesel engine oil specification
CEFIC Conseil Européen des Federations de l’Industrie Chimique (European Chemical Industry Council)
CEN Conseil Européen de Normalisation
CES Cummins Engineering Specification
CFC Chlorinated Fluorocarbon
CFI Cold Flow Improver
CFI Central Fuel Injection (replaced with TBI)
CFI Continuous Fuel Injection
CFM Cubic feet per minute
CFPP Cold Filter Plugging Point
CFR Coordinating Fuel and Equipment Research Committee
CFV Clean Fuel Vehicle
CG Conventional Gasoline
CGO Cracked Gas Oil
CH4 API heavy-duty engine oil specification
CI Cetane Index
CI Compression Ignition
CID Cubic Inch Displacement
CIDI Compression Ignition Direct Injection (diesel)
CIMAC Congrès International des Machines à Combustion
CKP Crankshaft Position
CKT Circuit
CL Closed Loop
CLC Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC)
CLNT Coolant
CM Cincinnati Milacron
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
CMFI Central Multi-port Fuel Injection
CMP Camshaft Position
CN Cetane Number
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COC Cleveland open cup
cP Centipoise
CPC Camshaft Position Control
CPI Central Port Fuel Injection
CPS Central Power Supply
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Common Rail (diesel injection)
CRD Common Rail Diesel
CRDPF Continuously Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filter
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRTS Continuously Regenerating Trap System
CSFI Central Sequential Fuel Injection
CSM Central Security Module
cSt Centistokes
CSTCC Continuously Slipping Torque Converter Clutch
CTOX Continuous Trap Oxidizer
CV Constant Velocity (joints)
CVRSS Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspension
CVRTD Continuously Variable Real Time Damping
CVT Continuously Variable Transmission
CZS Crash Zone Sensor

Αρκτικόλεξο C
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